THE END OF AN AGE Dear friends and readers of the official blog of FC Port St. Pevl, after months of absence, back to write a post in this space and we do it to share the sad situation that unfortunately surrounds our team. Anger, sadness, dismay, indignation ... these are the feelings that live these days in home port, a team literally decimated hypocrisy and falsehood of some individuals that composed it. The Port project was born nearly three years ago based on the strength of a group of friends who, united by their passion for football, had decided to give life to what was still a great adventure so far. FRIENDSHIP, this is precisely the key word of this posting, a word; a concept, so some people come to give everything and sacrifice themselves in order to make each day more alive and strong, but others live with a lightness so disarming, to be successful in a short time and in an almost painless to throw down the toilet years and years of time, evenings and holidays spent together, almost as if none of this had ever happened. Some are out of circulation for months without being more alive, there are those who arrived later and did everything to ensure that the group that was beginning to snap and there's obviously those of historical group has seen fit to pander to the "spreaders of discord." All persons who, on balance, it is better to lose than to find. The regret is then even greater when you consider that the main cause that led to this incurable fracture, you yourself was to fit it into your group, but then you can not blame even more so, since it is fair to trust and involving people who are related to you, even by close relatives. And if these people behave like real snakes in the breast, what can you do?!? None. You turn the page and move on. All this without denying the past, but looking at the future to give weight and consideration only those who deserve it (which unfortunately are far fewer than one can imagine). In addition we must let him run all these provocations continue individuals continue to send, one above all, the desire on their recently leaked to form a new team to participate in summer tournaments this season. What, by our hand, we can only limit ourselves to suggest a name for their news team, in our opinion the most appropriate and that is "The team of former players." Oh, and good luck ....
Leaving aside the negative things and useless, it must be said that, fortunately, in this tragic picture that was outlined in broad terms (without dwelling on facts and specfic subjects, who does not deserve
not even to be mentioned more ), there was also something good. There is still someone who knows what it means friendship and that, like me, he respects and honors. And from these true friends, the Port San Pevl will lay the foundations for and look forward to continuing its history. They deserve to be mentioned: in CR1O Beckham, captain of the historian, who could not remain one of the most faithful of the Port, next to the remaining co-founder and friend of many adventures Schioppa77; Vince5, which in December returned to be teammate Schioppa77, 4 years from the adventure with Santagatese in 2006/2007, in the formation of San Martino in Pedrioli
or ; Filo1, historic Port St. Pevl goalkeeper, who has sworn allegiance to the white -green, strongly rejecting rumors that he approached the team of traitors / ex-players. For the rest, there will only be new, re-foundation in fact (almost) total. Rumors speak of a genuine incorporation in green and white house, a large proportion of the components of the Aviators, a task facilitated by the presence and mediation of precious great friend Morch, who undoubtedly remember for some
appearances with the shirt color Mojito in recent seasons. In any event, this year more than ever we talk about ongoing work in home port, all with one common goal: not to disappoint the many fans who follow us and make this year the association green-white casts the most prestigious football 7-Romagna, looking perennial of victory! W
true friendship, W THE PORT SAN PEVL!