Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Funny Verbiage For Wedding

My carbonara with milk

Good afternoon, friends! Today I propose again the carbonara made with milk, a dish creamy and delicate. Ing 400 g spaghetti, an egg, half a liter of milk, chopped smoked bacon, parmesan cheese, black pepper, salt, oil, parsley. These doses are 4 or 5 x persone.Rosolare the bacon in a tablespoon of oil in a bowl beat the egg with the milk, salt and pepper and add chopped parsley if you want. Cook the spaghetti al dente and drain, put the milk in a saucepan that we have prepared before the spaghetti and turn on low heat, add the bacon and finally the Parmesan cheese, while continuing to spin. You get to be like a cream like you would have used cream. And "the dish a more delicate taste of true carbonara and also lighter, try and I say, you know! I finally got to put larger photos, even if the quality is questionable!


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