Good Sunday to all! Last Night I bread, but x-case basis. Let me explain better, last week I prepared the dough x pizza, I could not make it and froze them. Yesterday morning thinking of making pizza x dinner I pulled out the dough, thawed after I shot and put in warm oven. But there was an unexpected, I had to go out with my husband and I went back to 20.30. I immediately looked nice puffy dough waiting and I asked myself what I could do x because the pizza was late and would not have eaten any. My husband tells me: "why do not you two loaves tomorrow x" and thus was born this bread. Then I divided the dough into 4 parts, I formed the loaves and I made a cross incision on the top, I put back to rise in a warm place until doubled. I baked in a 250 degrees x quarter of an hour and then I lowered to 180 degrees and I baked x about an hour. From the photos you see the result, I think worse. I came soft, the color is
perhaps a bit pale, but the flavor is good. The best thing is turning out to about 23 we went to sleep with a delicious aroma that spread throughout the house!
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