Dear readers, I know that you can not wait to read my exciting sports coverage .. but you have to wait a little bit because today will be discussed again in the communication network. A few minutes ago I looked at the PA Forum, which is the forum of public administration and, in search of an interesting topic, I selected the VoIP tag for the simple reason that I did not know what it was. Well, Let's face it, open the page does not help me to figure it out, and this dear 'public communicators' is not correct, not everyone knows what is VoIP, because not all are equipped with high skills.
Voice over IP (Voice over Internet Protocol), Wikipedia explains, is a technology that makes it possible to make a phone call using an Internet connection or other dedicated network that uses the IP , rather than going through the traditional telephone network. This eliminates its switching centers and save on bandwidth occupied. Packets are routed over the network data containing voice information, encoded in digital form, and then only when necessary, ie when one is speaking of connected users.

The site
At first glance, the homepage seems to suggest a site full of rich content and useful information to ordinary citizens. We note first of all the letters GOV address, this is clearly a motivation to communicate in a precise and complete. The first post documents the participation of the Centre at ForumPA and explains how you can access the discussion forum after you have registered to site dedicated to the innovation of CNIPA. Since I want to find out what exactly the dematerialization without having to use Wikipedia and am interested to have some other information on the objectives of the institution, I click the link and head towards the latter address.
This time the homepage is noticeably poorer. E 'can view the articles and pages of the magazine and Innovation, as mentioned above, go to the forum.
On the left are the links to the various issues published while in the topics listed above are obvious. Unfortunately lack many of the points marked on ForumPA but then finally I see the much sought Dematerialization materialize. Just click e..
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