Monday took place the last lesson of Computer Science applied to journalism and for consistency I managed to be late again, in fact in this case must thank Trenitalia that no exceptions and gives me half an hour in sweet station at 7 in the morning to watch the world go by. Perhaps this is a form of communication, the State Railways I want to understand something, maybe you are telling me: "Forget it, change the half."

Just as there is legislation on the traditional communication media, soon it will be completed in one for the network, which will require constant revisions and updates to keep up with the developmental potential of the medium. Who will take care of privacy in the network are the 'Authority Communication Authority (AGCOM) and' Authority guarantor for the protection of personal data, which will have to deal with the possibilities offered by modern technology, publish anything.
It 's simple and easy to understand how complicated the question of legality can be networked, just think of the problem of "determination" of the hypothetical offense: If a crime has been committed libel by publishing some news, the potential culprit in the space of 30 seconds will be able to get rid of the article from the network, each test.

Talking about law, it is necessary to distinguish between copyright and copyleft: the first, literally right to copy, is to identify the right, belonging to the owner of the intellectual property of the object, control the reproduction and dissemination, with half qualsisi they are made. Clearly, it is obvious that the strict laws on copyright in the Internet will completely block the functionality, you are indeed running for cover. In December 1996 an international convention has determined that the temporary copies of digital documents - such as those contained in the cache of our browser - not a copyright violation. For copyleft, however, means the author of liberty or a general method for making a free program and to ensure that all modified and extended versions of the program also become free software.
short, the network utilization for production or communication requires the knowledge of many factors, technological, ethical and legal issues each year will be increasingly complex and rigid, to us young aspirants to the profession the task of the first to dive into this world so attractive as complicated. But as a poet said: "Memento Audere semper" (remember to dare always).
Some useful links: Privacy statement
Code of Conduct on the Treaty. personal data in the activity journalistic
Interlex : interesting information magazine, technology and law
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