traditional journalism is dead. Area art attack. Party staff - not serious : It was a morning like any other, say that I was a little asleep at night because of my good and my gaze towards the chair showed visibly stunned my difficulty at that time to interact with the professor's arguments. Despite my passive entered my head in almost everything, including the fact that traditional journalism is about to leave .. what? No, it is not possible, years and years of dreams and hopes in the newspaper of the word that I have always urged, encouraging and then everything vanishes in a puff .. ..
Professor. says: "Journalism is dead and the traditional modern journalism is yet to be invented. This should be an exciting fact." Right now I do not feel very stimulated, rather they are a little bitter. I fear that this innovation already in progress for some years to bring us information flat, thin in content, I have no confidence in the future.
.. And then the magic word? there is still space to tell the journalism of tomorrow? I love to tell, I love to get into more intimate parts of the phenomena observed in their and do, and then reveal to the world that I discovered that I had the privilege of the investigation, explaining it with my love words. This is why I chose to start writing for the sport, to have the field free from the constraints and combine the best news and stories, journalism and storytelling, with the reader establish a coloquio hitting the collective imagination of athletes.
although there still exist in the future in "copy-paste" will be a reality very large .. and I do not want to spend my days in front of a PC by taking a little 'of this and a bit' of that, I never like the art attack, let alone John Mucciaccia .. and I hate myself with all the glue!
If possible I'd like to retire with the printed newspaper in your hands .. I am an old-fashioned, maybe in a year's change my mind but right now I prefer to ride the news with my own hands and publish it in my own words.
Part education: The modern journalism is thus to be invented, and for this technology will assume a central role. Here's the scenario that lies ahead in the coming years will no longer exist a single figure in journalism, but will spring up in the niches of specialization, and spread a dedicated language. Prospective operators should also be valid information technology experts, and the updating will be an essential requirement. The number of "copy-paste" will grow dramatically reducing the amount of real journalists to make room for shifters of images and text. The activity of the latter will become increasingly frantic and the willingness to revise, enhance and customize the text is often paralyzed by the demands of market, which does not give them enough time to fulfill those wishes.
The market is the great mind behind it all: traditional journalism is dead by his hand and under his direction, the image has captured the current domination of the world of communication. It should be noted however, that this dominance will not bring much to the death of the word, but mainly to its new prominence to its reformulation.