Friday, October 23, 2009

Herbal Spice Smoking Recipe

CASOMAI .... The narrow gate

Every so often happens on TV to witness the true masterpieces of Italian cinema, I am referring to the film signed by the excellent Alatri D'Alessandro, titled ( Casomai ) of 2002. The film tackles the subject of marriage and shows us an authentic glimpse of married life. The couple
( Stefania Rocca and Fabio Volo), the protagonists of the film, will face the new perspectives that life and society of today offer.
What a coincidence a few weeks ago ( XXVII Sunday of Ordinary Time) the Church has presented us with this theme, showing, as always, from a biblical perspective.
In the first reading version of the Old Testament we Jhavista (*) on creating the first man Adam and Eve and the woman in this case was joined as a companion to humans in which the male is completed, making the pair a new relationship of communion.
version Priestly (*) the pair (male and female he created them ) is seen below the procreative aspect according to which man and woman come together to multiply and dominate the earth. In the Gospel
(0.2 to 16 Mc.10 ) in responding to the Pharisees that Jesus asked him, using both versions ( JS .) Just want to emphasize that in them, the harmony of the couple, is completed; returned full, in all its beauty, the love that God has for man.
But as always in awe of the beautiful things that God gives us, is opposed to the harsh and stark reality of human life that makes unhappy society ... and alas, unable to sufficiently address the big issues of everyday life.
So, just around the family ( primary unit of society) will be decided and the future ...
no doubt about it, and as such should be defended and protected as a "strategic center " weakened in the values \u200b\u200bof humanity.
In Europe, since these days, is a divorce every 30 seconds, and if we look with a magnifying glass the causes leading to these numbers, we are faced with reasons, if you will, in some cases, even banal.
not hear anything! No longer love her! We are not compatible ... etc.. These are the most common phrases are entrenched behind which many couples today.

"But is it possible that Love with a capital that could end up like this?" is asked the young priest in the film ... .. "And 'credible" and more ...
kisses, hugs, caresses how can this be over? We're supposed to believe? And to take some good excuses? It will not be so wonderful but that feeling has been crushed and buried under a mountain of things that have nothing to do with love!
Could it be that two people who love scary today?
unhappiness! Today
unhappiness seems to be the engine of the world. Two separate living today must have: Two houses

Two machines
Two refrigerators
Two washers Two
toothpaste etc ... All
double! ... And sure who is unhappy to spend more, because he feels the need to press!

Think about these statements ... even if only the result of a script from the film, but as heavy as rocks!
We can conclude, at the end of this short exposure, the young couple, to keep alive the flame of their love, they must be open to a new life, realizing the family from which a community communion of persons "domestic church" - Lumen Gentium, 11 - (**) around which to rotate the old friendships ( if possible), and at the same time look forward to the local parish community, to enter into a relationship with it in a project of cooperation and mutual assistance.
Always and this attitude has to find food in the daily prayers which must be simple and made with the heart, especially a prayer of thanks to the SS. Trinity, for all that and got all the good that is in the pair.

(*) written traditions of the Old Testament
(**) Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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" But he grieve, he went away sad, for he had great possessions . "

Reading this passage comes to mind that famous saying that - the money is a good servant but a bad master - The wisdom of the elders who suggests and warns us in controlling the value of money, on pain of slavery or let it dominate. We know in fact, experience shows that sometimes having money is not everything, for example when we are faced with a sick serious, like having money is not everything for a woman betrayed and abandoned, and then have a lot of money certainly does not lessen the pain of parents who have just lost a son.
Therefore, more and more narrow is the door that tells us Jesus with the paradox of the camel and the eye of the needle (that someone has thought to soften or smooth, is looking to expand the eye of a needle in a door of the walls of Jerusalem to shrink the camel with the Camilloni - a rope) . In reality it is not.
fact, there is a rabbinic texts which exacerbates the paradox, which says that a difficult thing to achieve, "it is easier for an elephant to pass through the eye of a needle than this thing happen."
The fact remains that enter the Kingdom of God, already present among us in this life or feel the pleasant emotions that are so good to our heart, not at all easy, even for people like us are not rich.
you remember the parable of the seed sown among thorns?
Well, they "plugs" are our concerns about the material things that surround us - misleading the thoughts that distract us from the beauty of God's word and therefore the seed choked by so much weed can not grow and bear fruit. In short, many are called but few are chosen. But the sadness of the young man looked at with a magnifying glass, is not entirely negative
fact, just the sadness is manifested through God's grace and mercy - that God speaks to the heart - the Gospel does not tell us if this sadness have had an effect on the young, but suggests that the young man went on his way thoughtfully. It 's the history of all of us under the sky, groping, searching for happiness where there is and we see instead of what the Lord is near and we want to help .... But not without our own free will!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

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RUAH: the breath of truth

" saw and believed" (Gv.20, 8)
This phrase of the Gospel of John that ends the eighth verse of chapter twenty, refers to the disciple whom Jesus loved, that John son of Zebedee, the course with Peter at the empty tomb. These, the evangelist writes, "saw and believed. " But what did he see? And because he believed? According to the Magisterium of the Church, the apostle goes beyond through the eyes of his heart and opens the resurrection of Jesus, therefore, John is the first Christian history, I believe that they had been announced and over again with the mind the words of early by the Master he now perceives the true and full completion. But not everyone felt fully catered for by traditional explanations of the Church on this verse. The reasoning, which makes a certain Don Persili ( priest Tivoli ), starts from a very serious consideration, he argues that the disciple must have given her a different interpretation to what was inside the tomb empty, due to the fact that unlike Peter the man had personally witnessed the burial of the body of the Master and then he might have seen or be aware of something important about just the cloths on the ground (John 20: , 5). The courageous pastor, as a young man obsessed by that "Eiden kai episteusen ( greek translation of saw and believed ), for decades have racked my brains on the greek text handed down by John, his research has now been confirmed by scholars more like the Jesuit Jean Galot emeriti, emeritus professor of Christology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Which like the pastor of Tivoli believes that there are some translations on inaccuracies which would impede the understanding of the text itself. Good Persili, among other experts in Jewish burial traditions, through the provision of reconstruction described in great detail the various steps of how Jesus was laid in the tomb. Meanwhile, the burial of the body was very careful because even though the looming Easter Saturday, hours they were available as required. In fact, Jesus died at the ninth hour (three in the afternoon ) on Friday, while the holy day of rest not started at dusk on the solar disk ( as previously thought), but according to the rabbinic texts, the appearance in the sky the third star. Jesus was wrapped in a big sheet so as to avoid contact with the corpse of the living, as required by the law, which also requires the dead to bury her violent death with the blood of life, without a doubt that detergerlo.Leggi Pharisee like Nicodemus was familiar. The 32 pounds of aromatic oils ( hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes ) was distributed on the grave and tomb walls of the tomb (which is why the huge amount ), the remainder was poured on the sheet. The function of the age of the shroud and wrapped the sheet over his head, then, was to slow the evaporation of the fragrant mixture. So bands and bandages, but also stretches (and not lying Gv.20 0.5 to 6), because the keìmena verb, according to Persil, is the participle of the verb which means keĩmai lie, be lying horizontal, they say one thing to distinguish it from low to high. What the evangelist wanted to emphasize the use of this word was that those bands were first raised because inside was the body of Jesus after the resurrection were limp, then relaxed. The glorified body of the Risen has leaked from quell'involucro like a butterfly from its cocoon, the cocoon with the difference that has remained intact. It was therefore the integrity of the bands wrapped on the sheet, insists Persili Don Antonio, to convince the disciples on the resurrection of the Master and not just a matter of faith. John himself had repeatedly heard the words that announced the resurrection of Jesus, with Peter and James had been present at the transfiguration, but just the sight of the signs in the empty tomb and the appearances of Jesus in the forty days that followed, enabled him to establish with certainty its mission of witness. In conclusion, given that this version of events does not come from a large and influential theologian, but from a simple priest in the province, all in all I do not think of all pilgrims, in fact I know that the little "Parrino" Tivoli's right! Among other things, we all know that the Spirit blows where he wills. "I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and able, and hast revealed them unto babes. Yes, Father, for that you liked it. "(Luke 10:21).

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

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The dark area of \u200b\u200bspace unresolved: the temptations of the Church, this unknown wilderness

If you are the Son of God, 'this stone to become bread " is written, does not live by bread alone man "

E' temptation paid to bodily needs, those vices that cry from the depths of our being that Aristotle defined the clothes of evil lust (selfish devotion to pleasure and sex), throat (the abandonment, the exaggeration to the pleasures of the table), closely linked with the ' Sloth (laziness, idleness, the lack of enthusiasm, apathy, an indifference to others). This is why Jesus came to the excesses of man uprooted from the heart from worldly things, to make it truly free from impurities of the earth;

2. I'll give all this power and the glory of these kingdoms, if you worship me, all will be your " is written only to worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve "

Satan wants Jesus to forget all relations with the Father, and replacing it with the domination of the world, is facing the temptation to lust for power, that much loved by politicians, the bearer of pride (show off its superiority over others), anger (letting go easily to the anger and oppression), social injustice and advocate daughter of corrupt politics of envy (unhealthy desire to who owns what, property or circumstances of their best) finally avarice (lack generosity, stinginess) sworn enemy of charity, which is instead to repair its social injustice, which has generated so bad. The solution shows us Jesus in his two commandments: "Love your neighbor as yourself and love one another as I have loved you";

3. If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down " It 'been said: Do not tempt the Lord thy God "
Groped the Lord simply means to challenge him and God does not accept the challenge of man ever since its almost always the way, his drawings do not match our desires. The obsessive search for the miracle, often gives way to disappointment, misunderstanding and consequent weakening of faith. Knowing deeply the nature of the man Jesus invites us to trust in the will of the Father and complete surrender his arms, in the only way that we all know: prayer.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Plans For Building Mudroom Lockers

Often the Church ( mysterious object ) from what I hear around me, is associated with the clergy, among other things, this simplification has always given way to more skeptical of being a 'negative views are often superficial, but then that opinion carries the weight in your choices and lifestyles, but also in the dynamics of everyday life. All these brothers I would say is that the Church is represented by the clergy who is the apostolic tradition, but also by its nature is not a reality on earth and I'll explain, first, the church belongs to Christ, who founded and led over the centuries, and we will unceasingly of its material and spiritual needs, for this, although it is imperfect, has survived over the centuries to his enemies and always on the move, proceed with great difficulty toward his ultimate destiny and final.
So a church with two faces: human and divine, in charity, and a source dispenser of vocations and charisms that are the heritage and substance, also of the lay faithful of the Church and this is certainly a model to value and respect. Look
about this short movie (with a final surprise ):