Thursday, January 17, 2008

Can You Get A Yeast Infection From Being Fingerd


respond to the grace

Many are those who walk the streets of materialism and destruction, is the usual scene that repeats itself, the usual scenario that we know well, it's always her, the lost sheep that never does anything to be found (not even a bleat!), it is God who goes looking for! Without the grace of God that touches the heart would be unable to recover and convert from sin. That is why it is very important prayer for the conversion of the people. This man's inability to save is well explained in the parable of the lost coin is that in the parable of the lost sheep, while with the story of the prodigal son shows us the human response to grace.
"Father, give me what I expect" that asks the child to the old father, and a request that has the flavor of ingratitude, as if we were to say to God that life is ours and that we are the only masters of our things and this is a lie as big as sin, because the life and the things that we have received God's free gift. What is striking however is that the Father instead of taking a stick to give it to his son in the head, says nothing, is silent and agree to the request.
you rebel to God ... and what does he do? lets go! In fact, he respects your freedom and will, do not contrast, while suffering from this ... your decision is the risk that God knew he had to run Since that 'moment of creation in which free-formed man in His own image and likeness.
at this point is to ask what future there will be for those young people who are preparing to receive the sacrament of first communion, when every day will be tempted to turn their backs on the Lord? To recover their lives, even slamming the door on him? Perhaps they too will behave like son prodigal, when after a beautiful but unfortunately short experience with the Church, go back to their old habits, looking for happiness that maybe the false illusions of the world's propinano and maybe one day they too could find themselves with their faces to the ground to contend with acorns pigs.
We humans have two types of needs: hunger in the world, but above all the desire of God! Returning home, then, is conversion, which radiates light and go through the guilt and the suffering of the soul, the soul that longs for the forgiveness of the Father, a Father who has never ceased to wait on the doorstep. It always runs to meet him that his son and kisses him ... does not ask for more!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Why Does Everyone Have An Overbite


This year we are going to begin the first communion catechism, in the hope that the Spirit of the Lord lead us and support us in this difficult task that lies ahead. The catechist
fact must not only prepare children to receive this important sacrament, but also and above all, must be able to capture the interest and hearts of children, to guide them towards the person of Jesus For this reason, to present their a path, in my opinion necessary, I decided to write this article that does not have the presumption of wanting to be nothing more than a reflection on us all.
First, the family is the first environment in which the child feels to be a person and feel welcomed, always in the family the child should be open to life, takes shape day by day and leave no traces as deep experience in his life, for good or evil.
Gerardo Pastor (Dean of the Faculty of psyche of the Pontifical University of Salamanca) says that "neither kindergartens or schools, or groups of peers, or parishes, or the media (press, radio and television), can penetrate so deeply in the depths of the child as the parents, which is fully dependent in the first six or nine years.
One factor that has always characterized the educational role of parents Christians in the home is training in prayer.
In the past, family prayer was something "normal", with its rhythms and its
times: before meals, the 'Angelus', the rosary, the prayers in the morning and evening, generally, was the mother those working to ensure and drive this religious experience.
Today, the life of the family has changed significantly, everything has become more difficult, and, little by little, we abandoned the family and individual prayer.
The result today is that our generation feels more and more embarrassed to propose the
family prayer, which appears to us as something forced and artificial that there comes from the heart.
The first step for a change, I think the couple should do, learning to pray together a prayer
torque, simple, plain, without any further complications, which is the basis on which to build back the pleasure of praying family.
'prayer groups, for example, might be to ask God's forgiveness for sins
, thanks for everything received, for all the good that is in the couple and children.
is right that parents pray for their children and also in the name of "children" for the little ones who still do not know how to pray and
for adults who are in crisis and may no longer know how to do it.
would be advisable, where possible, to reserve a place at home or a "corner
prayer", for the purpose.
Prayer is an experience that the child must discover and learn from their parents,
is therefore necessary that the child see the father and mother pray, pray that if it looks unhurried, remain silent, close your eyes, kneel, He understood the importance of these gestures and senses the presence of God in the family as something beautiful and positive, learning the language of religion, but also signs that it remains etched in his memory, there is nothing that can replace the experience.
only way the child approaches to prayer in a spontaneous manner, and pray
how to pray, with the same attitude, the same tone, the same joy, then the time will come when he will be starting a prayer time, then it will engraved in the memory as something which naturally belongs to the family's daily life. Then
education in the faith also allows the child an authentic fusion of faith and life, and then a real growth of Christian life, as given by the parents of Christian initiation is intrinsically linked to facts and realities of everyday life.
Since families Christians are the "cells" of the primary social and ecclesial communities, parents, through faith in Christ, participate fully in the evangelizing mission of the Church, and of course this can only happen if there is a Christian community that follows them and helps them, encouraging them and supporting them in moments of difficulty in the path of holiness.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wha Are The Causes Of Gaysm

With the beginning of 2008, our thoughts inevitably go past year, the various channels of television news reports that suggest we try to take stock on what is most important happened in our country but also abroad.
Topics range from economics, to news and politics, but above all make us go back - especially with wealth - the most dramatic events and the subsequent scenes with them, particularly steeped in gratuitous violence and explicit, in fact often are shown scenes with shots from near in blood, shreds with human horrors of various kinds, all accompanied by the harrowing scenes of grief of the relatives of the victims.
can almost see one of those horror films that so fashionable in our cinemas, but why in the world all those facts that are representations of evil and of a sick society are so much news? Why we are so attracted to the bad news?
The experts tell us that the good or the good news (and there are many) are not audience, not interested.
said that it seemed quite proper and appropriate to do a small survey that I certainly did not claim to exhaust such a vast subject, but he wants to be a simple raid - pass me the term - within a concern for their own evil and sin, that Paul in his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians called "the mystery of iniquity".
But what is sin?
The Church teaches us that sin is the condition, the state of separation from God, by its nature closely linked to evil and wonderfully represented with the biblical image of the serpent in Genesis and the dragon in the text of the Apocalypse. Both images give us an idea of \u200b\u200bsomething very dangerous, certainly to be kept at a distance (CCC 2851). But as
born evil?
Meanwhile, certainly is not from God, the Almighty is in fact only for good. Evil is born in the mists of time, certainly long before man (as the book of Genesis presents him in Eden before the creation of man), its appearance comes from the creation to the time when the Almighty with an act of love created the spiritual creatures similar to him in freedom and therefore able to love or to reject it. According to Revelation
exactly 1 / 3 of the angels commanded by Prince Lucifer rebelled against God, rejecting his love, siding against him and thereby causing a war whose outcome was angelic, angels to rebel, to be precipitated on Earth with all the consequences.
From what Revelation describes it thus appears that over the centuries the Prince of evil has put its authority and its nefarious power on Earth, and it is here that he moved the scene of the final battle, the eternal struggle between the forces of good and evil.
The above is supported by the historical situation in which to humanity at the coming of the Savior. In fact just in the year 27 AD, when Jesus begins his public ministry, going down in the field openly against the government of Darkness (activities described above from the Gospel of Mark) was very dramatic situation of Humanity: The injustice and
the arrogance of the powerful reign supreme;
Roman Empire, even if the bearer of civilization and progress was based on slavery and therefore the exploitation of the weak;
diseases, malformations and the human degradation had never touched such low limits , just think how many times Jesus will intervene to cure, cure diseases of every kind and leave the poor unfortunate victims of diabolical possession;
Rome and the neighboring powers with the exception of the Jews, idolatry practiced in almost all, are often sacrificed to the god of even human lives.
After the death on the cross of the Savior, the Prince of Evil has been defeated and the Government of the darkness is past, so to speak in opposition.
The development of theology under the pressure of the SS, over the centuries Christianity has provided the appropriate weapons, in order to thwart the evil and all its many manifestations. The first
particularly effective tool available to the Church is the sacrament of Baptism. With the baptism
become children of God and brothers of Jesus, so we enter a part of the family of the Lord, or to quote Pope Benedict XVI in a community of friends whose center is Christ.
In Baptism we have also been freed from original sin (as a consequence of our ancestors), but - alas - the baptism will not free us from the inclination to sin (lust), nor the temptation to sin which remains throughout the our lives.
therefore necessary for the proper path to holiness is the prayer that as well to keep alive and fresh communion with God, we also protects against any satanic attacks.
Especially recommended by the Church, but also by the famous Exorcist (Father Gabriele Amorth), just as previously mentioned is the daily prayer of the Rosary.
concluding with his death on the cross the Savior did not only reconciled to the Father, but gave rise to a new course of history for all humanity, the tiny mustard seed became a tree and for the Church and Christianity rising, began a new challenge, a new path over the centuries, all based around larger social and cultural achievements, focused on freedom and justice. I would also add that one of the things that allowed the success, or the primacy of the West over the rest of the world, as Christianity, in fact, were the Christian moral foundations the social and cultural life that have allowed the emergence of capitalism and then the successful transition to democratic politics more and more advanced (The Victory of Reason by Rodney Stark), we should not be in no doubt about it!