My daughter Alice, who graduated in Communication Sciences suggested that I include in my blog, from time to time, even brief reflections, because doing so "would help" in his words "not to make my Pallos Blog ". Therefore, conscious and well aware of my limitations of communication, I am going to take some steps in this direction! At that
of Milan, recent trip a few days ago, I attended an academic lecture that municipal Councillor Vittorio Sgarbi, the topic of "the communicative role that art over the centuries has played at the service of power" was interesting to say the least.
Good Victor, for his part, has addressed this issue by completing and meeting my expectations by a good margin. What has disappointed me a bit is that to some questions asked by those present, as usual with his usual frankness that sets it apart, resulted in a low-profile show, covering some of those ridiculous people like him who walked the politics and public television.
passing near the end though I have stretched out my hand in greeting and he, a little 'surprise, he responded with a strong close (which is probably still suffering from adrenaline in the bloodstream), followed by a smile accompanied by a so goodbye.
All day I brought with me this emotion And I still wonder why a person so educated can be so different aspects, in contrast with each other.
The eternal conflict between human nature and divine nature? ...
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