Many are those who walk the streets of materialism and destruction, is the usual scene that repeats itself, the usual scenario that we know well, it's always her, the lost sheep that never does anything to be found (not even a bleat!), it is God who goes looking for! Without the grace of God that touches the heart would be unable to recover and convert from sin. That is why it is very important prayer for the conversion of the people. This man's inability to save is well explained in the parable of the lost coin is that in the parable of the lost sheep, while with the story of the prodigal son shows us the human response to grace.
"Father, give me what I expect" that asks the child to the old father, and a request that has the flavor of ingratitude, as if we were to say to God that life is ours and that we are the only masters of our things and this is a lie as big as sin, because the life and the things that we have received God's free gift. What is striking however is that the Father instead of taking a stick to give it to his son in the head, says nothing, is silent and agree to the request.
you rebel to God ... and what does he do? lets go! In fact, he respects your freedom and will, do not contrast, while suffering from this ... your decision is the risk that God knew he had to run Since that 'moment of creation in which free-formed man in His own image and likeness.
at this point is to ask what future there will be for those young people who are preparing to receive the sacrament of first communion, when every day will be tempted to turn their backs on the Lord? To recover their lives, even slamming the door on him? Perhaps they too will behave like son prodigal, when after a beautiful but unfortunately short experience with the Church, go back to their old habits, looking for happiness that maybe the false illusions of the world's propinano and maybe one day they too could find themselves with their faces to the ground to contend with acorns pigs.
We humans have two types of needs: hunger in the world, but above all the desire of God! Returning home, then, is conversion, which radiates light and go through the guilt and the suffering of the soul, the soul that longs for the forgiveness of the Father, a Father who has never ceased to wait on the doorstep. It always runs to meet him that his son and kisses him ... does not ask for more!
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