Today the Church and the family are obvious calls to face attacks from secularist ideologies, supported not only by the mass media (TV and newspapers), but even pieces of political institutions that govern us.
The stakes in the ideological conflict is very high and it is now clear to all: the delegitimization
hierarchical structures of the Church (including the Pope) and the reorganization of the family role as the pulsing core of society.
parallel with the development frenzy of the century and the emergence of new technologies at low cost, is taking shape a new reality that certainly should not be underestimated, in the era of communications and information, it appears increasingly paradoxical poverty instead of communication and the danger of isolation that many families in there.
life today, with his pace and his agitated dispersion, making it difficult to dialogue and unity between the spouses but also between parents and children and so families today live more separated than ever, because of work commitments of parents, their children's studies and the different possibilities and fun weekend.
If we add to this that in the short time they are together, the TV requires the code of silence, the final picture that emerges is truly disarming. Rediscovering
therefore the value of the family as a small domestic church (as defined by Vatican Council II), is a necessity to which we are called, among other value that I feel particularly close, as a father first, but also a catechist in my parish community.
model to refer to "Sacred Family him to give the evangelists Matthew and Luke in stories about the childhood of Jesus
"Mary said," Behold the handmaid of the Lord done to me according to your word "(Lk 1:38) - woke from sleep, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his bride, (Mt.1, 24).
Part of these "two yes" complete and total abandonment of the two future spouses to the will of the two answers that will change the course of history and destiny of mankind, resulting from the pure heart of two creatures whose humility has no equal .
Joseph means "God adds" it was with Maria's teacher Jesus and she fed him and raised him, Jesus called him "Abba" word meaning "father" with confidence that your family is our "father", Joseph was not aware of the natural father and aware of the nature of the child, always showed him love and protection that a father can give. Similarly
mother Mary was full, always close to the child in a constant pattern that goes from conception until sacrifice of the cross ... and beyond.
In the Gospel of Matthew it is said that Joseph "knew nothing" Maria (Mt.1, 25), the verb "to know the Hebrew language, as we know, indicates that the two had intercourse, seems incredible that two young Jews at the height of their energies, make that choice, however, contrary to the Jewish culture of the time, all geared to the procreative fertility in order to keep his offspring.
To understand this choice one has to enter the intimacy of the two main characters, whose personality shows in both great humility and obedience of faith against the Most High, that does not mean humiliation or mortification of the couples, but openness to a model of love more great, selfless, completely turned the other to turn to God together, the source of all the best.
This choice of a virginal marriage, made by both melts powerful energies of dedication of one another and with the donation only son, the joy of every family is full when each member does not seek their own happiness, but think about having it done to others.
that of Mary and Joseph is a new conjugal relationship, is the communion of spirits and hearts that bears the signs exclusive gift of self.
Thus the Holy Family, which falls on the abundant grace of God, is a core of granite which we know will overcome all obstacles and dangers of the harsh reality that was the first-century Palestine.
Many things we do not know of this Holy Family Jesus and how you grew up, what is certain is that it was for the Lord is a strong point of reference, in fact, while he educated his son Joseph to work, tenacity and steadfastness in the midst of daily challenges, forging fatigue and suffering, Maria was able to give his son the right tenderness necessary for the development of mother and the balance of the child.
that we should therefore, by looking at the Holy Family, in this model of community-communion that God the Father has revealed, we make a deep reflection, rediscovering the values \u200b\u200bof the sacrament, but also what we have become by virtue of marriage.
fact Called by the Creator-creation with both the free and responsible for the offspring than to his Christian education, based materially and spiritually to love the Church, we are taken on the role of Ministers of the sacrament of marriage. Food
that supports this reality is the Spirit given to the spouses and poured out, he did not add it overlaps with the natural structure of the family, but the animating transforms from within the individual members ("Familiaris Consortio" John Paul II). From this it follows that the mission of the family is to make itself a true community-communion of people, driven by the power of love as a principle involved and not just secular and social development of the country, but also the building itself of the Church.
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