SANPROSPERSHIP: PORT He lived a lot of tension at home in Port-day, in view of onset in Sanprospership tonight against COGIM. Despite the great victory last night in Giovecca, the environmental concerns were based on the green and white mini-emergency defense taking shape for the race today. Will be absent because of two fundamental Pendine Mojito Grami2 color chessboard that is, engaged in another tournament at Imola and concomitant Corel
21, due to work commitments. Then there is to assess the position of Vince5, still a victim of shoulder trouble, which occurred during the game against San Bernardino. His latest statements have made it clear that the pain is there and it is not so minor, but that will still try to be on the field is not lost that form 3-2-1, which so far has given much to this team . A 3-2-1 in which the central Massa would be joined by Johan14 Lori6 and falling, although even in this case, the question of who would deploy sull'out right, since the two are both natural left-handers. Much more varied and numerous solutions before hand: likely to start the match starts with trident Giovecca Schioppa77 and Micky11 Norma99 to support, but ready to go, there are also Venz7, Miki80 and Beckham in CR10, which will allow, at least in front, of those who need to catch his breath, which, although at one point was necessary, none is obviously
Giovecca have arisen as to the other night. In case of lump sum Vince5, you probably will opt for a more unconventional 2-3-1, where the favorite for the 7th jersey holder Venz7 seems, if nothing else for the role he would play, that of attacking midfielder, which is well suited to its characteristics. Finally the goal, As mentioned, the last defender of the PSP will Santarelli, a promising young man, upon which you know means a lot, but where the company has full confidence in the hope that it will replace a worthy Filo1, which currently enjoys a very physically fit.
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