This thing has always fascinated me! It seems so incredible, how hard to accept. Is it possible that so much power and Magnificence can settle in and put quell'angusto space called the body? Yet the scriptures speak for themselves. ... God in his size becomes small, small and humbly come to live together in us.
. Now, as good hosts, we should, at least, make sure that these "guests" do not have to repent of such a choice.
E 'must, therefore, that soul and body in harmony and docility of them to stay open and holy temple of the Lord. This opening is the capacity to love, as the Apostle Paul says: dilatatio love (2 Cor 6:13), the soul indeed grows, and progresses to form the perfect man, the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (cf. Eph 4:13). In addition to the soul, but we must also take care of the body, which, despite its imperfections of earth, as part of competence to our journey toward holiness. Important to this end, a balanced diet, accompanied by regular physical activity that enables our beloved envelope to be in good shape and ready to respond to situations that life presents to us. Jesus himself, in his short life on earth was a good example in this respect, always maintained by the hygienic point of view and brilliant in all situations told by the gospels.
Love him more than this your body! Seems to suggest the Lord .... And for this, the end of time, by an act of love and perfect justice and return him to her glory for a new life in communion with him.
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