Reading this passage comes to mind that famous saying that - the money is a good servant but a bad master - The wisdom of the elders who suggests and warns us in controlling the value of money, on pain of slavery or let it dominate. We know in fact, experience shows that sometimes having money is not everything, for example when we are faced with a sick serious, like having money is not everything for a woman betrayed and abandoned, and then have a lot of money certainly does not lessen the pain of parents who have just lost a son.
Therefore, more and more narrow is the door that tells us Jesus with the paradox of the camel and the eye of the needle (that someone has thought to soften or smooth, is looking to expand the eye of a needle in a door of the walls of Jerusalem to shrink the camel with the Camilloni - a rope) . In reality it is not.
fact, there is a rabbinic texts which exacerbates the paradox, which says that a difficult thing to achieve, "it is easier for an elephant to pass through the eye of a needle than this thing happen."
The fact remains that enter the Kingdom of God, already present among us in this life or feel the pleasant emotions that are so good to our heart, not at all easy, even for people like us are not rich.
you remember the parable of the seed sown among thorns?
Well, they "plugs" are our concerns about the material things that surround us - misleading the thoughts that distract us from the beauty of God's word and therefore the seed choked by so much weed can not grow and bear fruit. In short, many are called but few are chosen. But the sadness of the young man looked at with a magnifying glass, is not entirely negative
fact, just the sadness is manifested through God's grace and mercy - that God speaks to the heart - the Gospel does not tell us if this sadness have had an effect on the young, but suggests that the young man went on his way thoughtfully. It 's the history of all of us under the sky, groping, searching for happiness where there is and we see instead of what the Lord is near and we want to help .... But not without our own free will!
Therefore, more and more narrow is the door that tells us Jesus with the paradox of the camel and the eye of the needle (that someone has thought to soften or smooth, is looking to expand the eye of a needle in a door of the walls of Jerusalem to shrink the camel with the Camilloni - a rope) . In reality it is not.
fact, there is a rabbinic texts which exacerbates the paradox, which says that a difficult thing to achieve, "it is easier for an elephant to pass through the eye of a needle than this thing happen."
The fact remains that enter the Kingdom of God, already present among us in this life or feel the pleasant emotions that are so good to our heart, not at all easy, even for people like us are not rich.
you remember the parable of the seed sown among thorns?
Well, they "plugs" are our concerns about the material things that surround us - misleading the thoughts that distract us from the beauty of God's word and therefore the seed choked by so much weed can not grow and bear fruit. In short, many are called but few are chosen. But the sadness of the young man looked at with a magnifying glass, is not entirely negative
fact, just the sadness is manifested through God's grace and mercy - that God speaks to the heart - the Gospel does not tell us if this sadness have had an effect on the young, but suggests that the young man went on his way thoughtfully. It 's the history of all of us under the sky, groping, searching for happiness where there is and we see instead of what the Lord is near and we want to help .... But not without our own free will!
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