Often the Church (
mysterious object ) from what I hear around me, is associated with the clergy, among other things, this simplification has always given way to more skeptical of being a 'negative views are often superficial, but then that opinion carries the weight in your choices and lifestyles, but also in the dynamics of everyday life. All these brothers I would say is that the Church is represented by the clergy who is the apostolic tradition, but also by its nature is not a reality on earth and I'll explain, first, the church belongs to Christ, who founded and led over the centuries, and we will unceasingly of its material and spiritual needs, for this, although it is imperfect, has survived over the centuries to his enemies and always on the move, proceed with great difficulty toward his ultimate destiny and final.
So a church with two faces: human and divine, in charity, and a source dispenser of vocations and charisms that are the heritage and substance, also of the lay faithful of the Church and this is certainly a model to value and respect. Look
about this short movie (with a final surprise
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