Earthquake in Pakistan

"Blessed are the poor, the afflicted, the meek, the hungry, the pure heart, the peacemakers and the persecuted for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "
We are talking about normal people, more or less known, the number - apparently several million - and whose history staff was a reflection of the extraordinary love in this life that Heavenly Father has for all humanity.
His grace reaches its all too often beyond the boundaries of the Church (visible), are not in fact a few souls who return to the Father, even after a lifetime experience, consisting of injustice, hardship and suffering, and that even non-baptized .
Yeah ... that's it, God makes no difference ... and his ways are not our own, makes the sun shine on all, even on those brothers who do not riconoscono.Scrutando away the heart of everyone he has our story , both in personal and group events, right through those routes designated by Master quell'altipiano on Palestine.
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