This phrase of the Gospel of John that ends the eighth verse of chapter twenty, refers to the disciple whom Jesus loved, that John son of Zebedee, the course with Peter at the empty tomb. These, the evangelist writes, "saw and believed. " But what did he see? And because he believed? According to the Magisterium of the Church, the apostle goes beyond through the eyes of his heart and opens the resurrection of Jesus, therefore, John is the first Christian history, I believe that they had been announced and over again with the mind the words of early by the Master he now perceives the true and full completion. But not everyone felt fully catered for by traditional explanations of the Church on this verse. The reasoning, which makes a certain Don Persili ( priest Tivoli ), starts from a very serious consideration, he argues that the disciple must have given her a different interpretation to what was inside the tomb empty, due to the fact that unlike Peter the man had personally witnessed the burial of the body of the Master and then he might have seen or be aware of something important about just the cloths on the ground (John 20: , 5). The courageous pastor, as a young man obsessed by that "Eiden kai episteusen ( greek translation of saw and believed ), for decades have racked my brains on the greek text handed down by John, his research has now been confirmed by scholars more like the Jesuit Jean Galot emeriti, emeritus professor of Christology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Which like the pastor of Tivoli believes that there are some translations on inaccuracies which would impede the understanding of the text itself. Good Persili, among other experts in Jewish burial traditions, through the provision of reconstruction described in great detail the various steps of how Jesus was laid in the tomb. Meanwhile, the burial of the body was very careful because even though the looming Easter Saturday, hours they were available as required. In fact, Jesus died at the ninth hour (three in the afternoon ) on Friday, while the holy day of rest not started at dusk on the solar disk ( as previously thought), but according to the rabbinic texts, the appearance in the sky the third star. Jesus was wrapped in a big sheet so as to avoid contact with the corpse of the living, as required by the law, which also requires the dead to bury her violent death with the blood of life, without a doubt that detergerlo.Leggi Pharisee like Nicodemus was familiar. The 32 pounds of aromatic oils ( hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes ) was distributed on the grave and tomb walls of the tomb (which is why the huge amount ), the remainder was poured on the sheet. The function of the age of the shroud and wrapped the sheet over his head, then, was to slow the evaporation of the fragrant mixture. So bands and bandages, but also stretches (and not lying Gv.20 0.5 to 6), because the keìmena verb, according to Persil, is the participle of the verb which means keĩmai lie, be lying horizontal, they say one thing to distinguish it from low to high. What the evangelist wanted to emphasize the use of this word was that those bands were first raised because inside was the body of Jesus after the resurrection were limp, then relaxed. The glorified body of the Risen has leaked from quell'involucro like a butterfly from its cocoon, the cocoon with the difference that has remained intact. It was therefore the integrity of the bands wrapped on the sheet, insists Persili Don Antonio, to convince the disciples on the resurrection of the Master and not just a matter of faith. John himself had repeatedly heard the words that announced the resurrection of Jesus, with Peter and James had been present at the transfiguration, but just the sight of the signs in the empty tomb and the appearances of Jesus in the forty days that followed, enabled him to establish with certainty its mission of witness. In conclusion, given that this version of events does not come from a large and influential theologian, but from a simple priest in the province, all in all I do not think of all pilgrims, in fact I know that the little "Parrino" Tivoli's right! Among other things, we all know that the Spirit blows where he wills. "I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and able, and hast revealed them unto babes. Yes, Father, for that you liked it. "(Luke 10:21).