N espite scholars of the Catholic intelligentsia, supported dall'Imprimatur of some bishops, consider the brothers and sisters of Jesus as blood relatives and therefore as such children Mary (Jesus: Marginal Jew in John P. Meier Professor of NT at the Catholic University of America in Washiigton.) We feel normal so-called Catholics to respond with arguments that take their cue from the gospels, for an open and constructive. St. Jerome addressed the problem in the fourth century by the great scholar who was
and knowledge of the languages \u200b\u200bof the time (greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic). In an apologetic speech in defense of the virginity of Mary was no more to argue for several centuries, until the Enlightenment and rationalism all'irrompere
end VII. But first things first: In many
the Aramaic Gospel texts waw is translated in greek kai which corresponds to our joining and , but in this case is illustrative waw "is, namely" (Mc.15, 1), in fact in the verse does not understand the distinction the council from those who belong to it. In the morning the chief priests and the elders, the scribes and (that) the whole council, after taking advice, put in chains Jesus, they took him and delivered him to Pilate. We read in the Gospel of John: three days later, there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and was the mother of Jesus was also invited to the wedding Jesus and his disciples . The piece ends this way - After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother, brothers and (that) his disciples and stayed there only a few days. is not clear why the brothers appear by magic, since it had not been invited. But if we translate that by entering the right and it all makes sense.
According to the authoritative review by Gianfranco Ravasi "brothers" are to be attributed to a group - clan linked to the master (Mc.3, 33) But he answered them, "Who is my mother and who are my brothers?" .
brothers mentioned in (Mt.13, 55) James and Joseph are the sons of Mary Disciples of Christ (Mt 27.56) Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee's sons . While Simon and Jude are cousins \u200b\u200bof Jesus son of Joseph's brother Cleopas.
In Hebrew the word means ah Brother (brother, brother, cousin, nephew and disciple) called his brother Abraham's nephew Lot, for as many as 120 times Paul uses the term brother to tell the spiritual community.
version of the Septuagint translates the greek cousin adelphos = brother, although there is the greek word for cousin.
If Mary had other children, how come the dying Jesus entrusted to his beloved disciple? He should not have continue to live with what remained of his family? Indeed, since now only went to live with John at Ephesus.
In the Gospels do not ever say that our brothers and sisters of Jesus are "sons of Mary" attribute exclusively given over to Jesus Maria
If Jesus had twelve other children, as he had to go to the temple with Joseph for Easter every year, when this trip including staying in Jerusalem resulted in an absence from home for two weeks?
Should there be further doubt, consult the book "brothers and sisters of Jesus" written by
Josef Blinzler German exegete, professor of NT